Vermont Youth Treatment Enhancement Program masthead

Are you interested in having your name on a list of Vermont Substance Abuse Treatment Providers?

The Vermont Department of Health Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs is developing a substance abuse treatment provider list comprised of clinicians in private practice who provide substance abuse and co-occurring mental health treatment. Once completed, this list will be distributed to referral sources such as DCF, schools, medical offices, Court Diversion, families and mental health and substance abuse provider agencies.

We think this list will be a valuable community resource by helping to link consumers to services.

If you are interested in having your name published on the substance abuse treatment provider list click here:

Supporting substance abuse treatment providers to strengthen services for adolescents and young adults

The Vermont Youth Treatment Enhancement Program seeks to improve treatment for adolescents (age 12-17) and transitional-aged youth (age 18-24) through training in two evidence-based programs. Using client-centered, developmentally matched treatment models, clinicians will gain improved skills in working with teens and young adults to address problems related to substance abuse.