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Four friends together on the green lawn

Vermont Youth Treatment Enhancement Program (VYTEP) Evaluation Data Brief: July 2024

Overview This Brief focuses on changes in self-reported youth outcomes between the time of starting Seven Challenges treatment and when a three month follow-up interview occurred.

  • More about this Data Brief

    Summary This Data Brief presents a series of evaluation results suggesting that on average, youth participating in the Seven Challenges programs at two Vermont treatment provider agencies report measurable reductions in the use of marijuana and alcohol. This is reflected by lower rates of use prior to the 3 month follow-up GPRA interviews compared to their use prior to starting treatment. These reductions are similar for both males and females, although for the category of non-marijuana or alcohol use, there may be trend towards increased male use and decreased female use of these substances at follow-up interviews. However, this must be interpreted with caution due to the small number of youth who report this category of substance abuse.

    An additional finding that merits mention is that among a sub-sample of 30 youth who had used marijuana prior to both their intake and follow-up interviews, the average number of days of marijuana use increased slightly, from 18 days at intake to 20 days at 3 month follow-up. This effect seems to be driven entirely by increased days of marijuana use by males. Female marijuana use in this group decreased slightly from the intake to follow-up interviews.

    Overall, the VYTEP implementation of the Seven Challenges at the two treatment provider agencies is associated with positive outcomes in youth substance abuse. As additional data are collected it will become possible to examine whether these trends are sustained through the 6 month GPRA data collection, as well as to examine in more detail possible gender differences and whether specific subgroups of youth are differentially benefitting from participation in VYTEP-supported services.

    The full brief can be found here: VCHIP VYTEP data brief July 2024

VCHIP Data Dashboard

The VCHIP Data Dashboard shows data collected about individuals served at Centerpoint Adolescent Treatment Services and Washington County Youth Services Bureau. Both sites are using the Evidence Based Practice Seven Challenges.

The Dashboard can be found here: Previous VYTEP Data Dashboard

Summary of Changes in Key GPRA Measures for Youth Participating in Seven Challenges: VYTEP Evaluation Data Brief