Vermont Youth Treatment Enhancement Program masthead


Young smiling woman with dog

  • Do you know someone who is pregnant and using alcohol?

    Alcohol can affect a baby's development in the very first weeks, even before you know you're pregnant. Prenatal alcohol exposure can result in birth defects that can affect a child's growth, appearance, cognitive development and behavior - and it's 100% preventable.

    If you are a women that is pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or may become pregnant, learn about drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

  • Are you interested in ways to live life sober?

    The mission of the "Helping Others" Research Project at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Division of Child Psychiatry is to improve the quality of life for youth, families, and communities by providing a continuum of scientific information, education, treatment, and personal experiences on the role of service in addiction recovery. For more information, visit Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions

  • Do you have questions about addiction to heroin or prescription pain killers?

    Addiction to opioids, such as heroin and prescription pain relievers like oxycontin, is a serious public health problem, with potentially devastating consequences - both for the people who are addicted and for our communities. Learn more about opioid addiction

  • Are you looking for a place to get treatment for your substance use anywhere in the US?

    Are you looking for Substance Abuse Treatment? SAMHSA's treatment facility locator can be found at

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  • Are you looking for information about how to talk to a young person about drug and alcohol use?

    Parent UP VT

    All teens are at risk of substance abuse and other serious issues. But you are their #1 influence. Kids are surrounded by pressures and influences. Make sure you are armed with the latest and most accurate info—so you can be the best influence possible. For more information, visit

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  • Are you looking for community resources, like emergency food and shelter?

    More information about Vermont 2-1-1, can be found at

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    Impact VT is a tool to help you connect with resources in the community. It's a one-stop site for finding new resources and what other young adults are saying about them. You can sort by categories - housing, education, and even social – read interviews done by other young adults, find them on a map, and even get directions from where you are! More information can be found at

  • Are you looking for a place to get treatment for alcohol and/or drug use in Vermont?

    A directory of Substance Abuse Treatment Centers and Recovery Centers by County. The directory can be found here.
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  • Are you or someone you know considering suicide?

    U Matter provides information about suicidal behavior in youth that will help you learn the warning signs, promote help seeking, and effective response to suicidal behavior. The Vermont Suicide Prevention Center (VTSPC) website is

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  • Are you interested in statistics about alcohol and/or drug use among adolescents and young adults in Vermont?

    Every two years since 1993, the Department of Health's Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs, and the Department of Education's Coordinated School Health Programs have sponsored the Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).

    The YRBS measures the prevalence of behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disease, and injury among youth. The YRBS is part of a larger effort to help communities increase the "resiliency" of young people by reducing high risk behaviors and promoting healthy behaviors. Information about this survey can be found at

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  • Is your child leaving for College? Are you concerned Alcohol use on campus?

    More than 2 million young adults will soon begin their first year of college. Right now, students and their families are busy packing dorm supplies, reading course catalogs, and otherwise preparing to send a young adult off to college. But what else should families do to ensure that their loved one actually succeeds in college? One answer is to talk with them about avoiding underage drinking during college.

    Stop Underage Drinking | Communities Talk

    For more information and resources from SAMHSA, click here